Wallwein performs In Our City Speaks Contactmcr UnitedWeStream GM Manc City of Lit

Louise Wallwein MBE performed as on of the headline acts at a unique poetry happening hosted by Reece Williams with an array of some of Manchester UK’s finest spoken word artists curated by Contactmcr

#UnitedWeStreamGM Manc City of Lit Young Identity ACE Unesco.

Poets included Keisha Thompson Tony Walsh AarghKid Dave Scott Dave Viney Mandla Rae Roma Havers Young Identity

Our City Speaks was live streamed on Sunday 31st May 2020 to raise funds to support Manchester vibrant night time economy.

Watch the full film here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6L-WDFZsLI

Wallwein chose to dedicate her set to Manchester Women’s aid #MancWomensAid

Donate here https://www.pankhursttrust.org/donate

read this new poem in response to the 33 per cent rise in domestic abuse during the COVID 19 pandemic.

It will happen

You will sit inside your own skin

Talking to yourself

You will recognise the tongue you are speaking with is 

Your own

It took a long time searching every corner

of yourself to find it

Ignoring the constant background chatter

You will speak your own words again

You will speak your own language

You will stop flipping the coin in the air

To ask the universe to make decisions for you

Making decisions again takes practice and patience

You will find a recipe that you want to cook for yourself

Each ingredient of your own choosing

You will know your own mind again

You will even trust it

You will learn to ignore

That  voice telling you that you made a mistake

When you showed them the door

Even as its screaming

Ringing in your ears

And before the dust settles 

know that that voice isa liar that told you

that you will never survive alone

You will feel safe inside the house that your carry inside of you

You will learn to please yourself

Think your own thoughts

Decide your own dress sense

Your own choice of books

Your own choice of friends

Who will forgive you for not calling them

You will sit with yourself in the dark

No longer under a curfew

You will stop double checking the locks

You will forge your own metal

design your own armour

You will recognise your own tongue

You will sit inside of your own skin

And be safe there


Wallwein’s book Glue The Extended Remix is available here


Louise Wallwein